Monday, May 27, 2013

Wiring Issues of Husband and Wife

Husband and Wife.

They are one species but are species apart.  Its always been a great topic of debate to who is better and who does what and the one topic to which everybody fights to their core without any sympathy to the opposite…. But still loves the opposite.

 As recently heard from a preacher, and loved the idea of using simple electronics word WIRING to make people understand the opposite sex in a relationship.

Man and Woman are certainly wired differently or else there would not be many fights on small and tiny issues. Everybody agrees. But to understand this wiring becomes a task of a lifetime.

 As humans are to err is also a known fact and very true. Even after knowing what the opposite person likes or dislikes we often do the same thing which could become the reason for the next fight.

The question here is why humans err when they are the most intelligent species God has created. 
Guess, Adam and Eve had that fruit of knowledge and wisdom, but could not figure out if the fruit was ripe.. J

Friday, May 17, 2013



Today, I was travelling in the metro train and as usual it was crowded. Though i boarded it just after two stations from the start of the train but i could not get a seat. I had my earphones plugged and was listening to music. I saw two guys looking fairly new to Delhi who had a good luck that they got seats but as soon as they saw a lady standing they left their seats and offered it to the lady.

So, I thought wow!! This is great. They are new to Delhi that is the reason they offered the seats. But later i realized  that yes they were indeed new but they were nurtured in such manner by  their elders to offer the seat to the ladies. Truly respectful. 

So, I update my Twitter and Facebook accounts with my status saying "Respect is what we are fighting for and expecting in some or other way all our lives." and got varied reactions. 

We do have commandment to respect the gray hair. Meaning to respect elderly. But do we respect. 
I have so many questions on my head rite now.

As a commandment we need to but is it easy to respect any person without knowing him.
One of the comments said you need to earn respect. But to respect anybody you dont need to know the person. Respecting anybody should come naturally.

Only thing which i think applies is just to Give Respect, you will Get Respect but Don't expect.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Congress Wins in Karnataka

So Congress wins with a full majority after 14 years. Just like vanavaas of Rama from Ramayana.. The comparison may or may not hold to be true.. It will be decided by time.

The good news is the troublesome BJP government of Karnataka is gone for a toss.. Badly beaten and bruised by the Congress. A score of 121- 40- 40 - 6 is amazingly good..

Mr. Yeddyurappa has definitely done the damage to the BJP. but Congress succeeded in increasing its vote share by just 2.46%. But this 2.46% raise has resulted in increasing its tally by 50%.

Though Bangalore the capital of Karnataka has voted for BJP, which shows the facebook, twitter and socially networked people have a different idea, an idea and thinking different from the masses. 

Anyways, what is expected of the new government is no corruption, more development (off course of the rural areas  and urban areas inclusively), equality of religion (so that no more senas disrupt the churches or any other religious structures and gatherings),  freedom to celebrate any kind of day including Valentines day. (Remember the Pink Chaddi campaign.) So that peace and prosperity prevails in the State and the Country.