Monday, May 27, 2013

Wiring Issues of Husband and Wife

Husband and Wife.

They are one species but are species apart.  Its always been a great topic of debate to who is better and who does what and the one topic to which everybody fights to their core without any sympathy to the opposite…. But still loves the opposite.

 As recently heard from a preacher, and loved the idea of using simple electronics word WIRING to make people understand the opposite sex in a relationship.

Man and Woman are certainly wired differently or else there would not be many fights on small and tiny issues. Everybody agrees. But to understand this wiring becomes a task of a lifetime.

 As humans are to err is also a known fact and very true. Even after knowing what the opposite person likes or dislikes we often do the same thing which could become the reason for the next fight.

The question here is why humans err when they are the most intelligent species God has created. 
Guess, Adam and Eve had that fruit of knowledge and wisdom, but could not figure out if the fruit was ripe.. J


  1. I guess Fights between Husband and Wife is directly related to the Love between them and that is why the strong love connection the more number of fights between them...
